Especially in stressful times, facing the constant information overload, the small, beautiful moments of everyday life are quickly overlooked. But savoring these moments is extremely important in order not to lose yourself completely in the negative spiral of thoughts. Mindfulness enables you to pause again and again, to be (more) aware of your environment and your own thoughts and to consciously enjoy little moments. And if it’s just the smell of coffee, the laughter of children or the rays of the sun. The “positive diary“ is warmly recommended for this.

Keep a diary for at least 1 week by writing down 10 positive moments of the day (preferably before going to bed). They can be little things, like a nice conversation, a delicious piece of cake or a smile.

Why 10 things? You have to make an effort. 3 things are easy to find! The goal is to sharpen your awareness of experiencing such moments during the day! It will become easier for you over time. You will suddenly find yourself unconsciously in search of positive things and associate positive emotions with situations to which you had previously paid little attention to.

If you can’t find 10 things, you can fill in the remaining spaces with things you are grateful for.

You can download the template here: