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Health Talks – Handouts

Here you can find the handouts for the health talks.

Download the handouts here

Health Talk: Sitting is the new Smoking

Whether working from home or in the office: Our daily work mainly takes place while sitting, without much movement.

It is therefore not surprising that the average person sits 10-12 hours a day. In addition to about 8 hours of sleep, there are another 4-6 hours to add a touch of movement to the day. But studies show: that is not enough.
In the health talk “Sitting is the new smoking”, the question, is sitting the new smoking? will first be clarified. You will then receive tips on how to integrate more movement into your daily work: Starting with ergonomic recommendations, through movement triggers, to simple compensatory exercises.
The training card with exercises for everyday life is available for download here.

Health Talk: Self Care

Have you ever thought about whether you’re taking care of yourself?
Especially in stressful times it is important to take care of one’s mind and body in order to maintain mental and emotional stability and performance. But how does that actually work? In the whirlpool of everyday life, we tend to lose sight of our own needs.
In this talk, you will learn how to integrate more self-care into your everyday life with using simple measures. This includes carefully handling your personal energy tank, (re)discovering the ability to enjoy and manage self-care time as well as breaks.
You will receive helpful tips on how to train your self-perception and how not to forget yourself while coping with all the obligations and demands.

Healthy Leadership