Self test Healthy Back

As you have already read in the article, strong muscles are very important, especially the core ( the middle of the body), to keep the spine and thus the back stable. Here you have the opportunity to test your trunk stability. We use three tests for this. The first test is about stability during a dynamic movement, the other tests are mainly about the ability to hold a position well over a certain period of time.

It is best to let someone else help you performing the tests so that you get better results from a different perspective and give you more accurate feedback. However, you can also do the tests on your own.

You can see a detailed instruction of the tests and what you should pay attention to during performance in the following 3 videos.




There is a special feature to this test: If you manage to keep your body stable and straight like a board, but do not push yourself up, this is a sign of a lack of strength (e.g. in the chest or arms).


Static straight

Static sideways


Below you will find exercises to work on the stability of the core. Try to integrate them regularly into your daily routine.


Übungsillustration: Plank
  • The elbows are under the shoulders, the hands pointing forward.
  • The back remains straight and the gaze downwards
  • Stretch the legs and release the knees from the floor
  • The whole body forms a line
  • The buttocks and abdominal muscles are tense and active
  • Hold this position for the indicated duration while continuing to breathe calmly
  • 3x (hold for approximately 15 seconds)
Übungsillustration: Rückenlage, ein Knie angewinkelt, Druck gegen Knie mit der gegenüberliegenden Hand
  • Stretch out one leg
  • Bend the other leg at the hip and knee joint
  • Extend one arm overhead if possible
  • Touch the knee of the bent leg with your hand
  • Press the lower back lightly towards the floor throughout the exercise
  • Tighten the abdominal muscles while continuing to breathe calmly
  • Alternate the position of arm and leg in opposite directions
  • Keep your head relaxed on the floor
  • 6x each side
Übungsillustration: Liegestütz auf den Knien
  • The hands are under the shoulders
  • Tense the gluteal and abdominal muscles
  • Bend the arms and bring the torso and pelvis towards the floor at the same time
  • The whole body forms a line during the exercise
  • 8x
Seitstütz auf den Knien
  • Go into a side plank
  • Bend the elbows and lean on them in a straight line to the shoulder
  • Lift the pelvis off the floor, the thigh and upper body form a line
  • The gluteal and abdominal muscles are tight and active
  • Continue to breathe calmly while holding
  • 3x (hold for approximately 15 seconds)